Groundwork Incorporated is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (Tax ID #: 73-1625176). We welcome both financial and in-kind contributions; your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Make a donation by downloading our printable contribution form. You may send a check or money order, made payable to Groundwork Inc. to:
Groundwork Inc.
c/o Development Department
595 Sutter Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Online Cash Donations
For your convenience, you can make a one-time or recurring gift online with a credit card. Please click the button below to make your contribution.
In-Kind Gifts
Groundwork appreciates donations of services and merchandise. To explore in-kind giving opportunities or wish list needs, please click here.
Securities, Stocks, or Mutual Funds
Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds held for at least one year can provide special tax advantages. You can electronically transfer shares using AssetStream, click here to proceed.
Matching Gifts
Thousands of companies match employee charitable donations each year. Please check with your employer to determine if Groundwork qualifies for such a gift. Be sure to enclose the appropriate forma and instructions with your donation.
Honor/Memorial Contributions
You can make a contribution in honor of an anniversary, birthday, wedding, graduation, special occasion, or in memoriam of a friend, family member or loved one. To do so, either donate online or mail your gift to the address above. If you contribute via mail, please include names and addresses of those individuals that are to be notified of your donation.
Bequests, Retirement Benefits, or Life Insurance
Bequests and beneficiary designations of retirement plan assets or life insurance policies are essential to ensuring that Groundwork will continue to provide high-quality services in years to come. Please email us for information on making a bequest or other ways to include Groundwork in your long-term charitable plans.
Real Estate
Groundwork accepts gifts of residential, commercial, or undeveloped real estate with the approval of our board of directors. There are several benefits to making a gift of real estate, such as receiving a charitable income-tax deduction for the fair market value of the property, bypassing the capital gains taxes that would be due upon the sale of the property and removing the property from your taxable estate. You should discuss with your advisors any gift of real estate you are considering well before beginning the transfer. Please email us for more information.